Wednesday, July 22, 2015

You choose

Welcome... to society. 

Do not be skinny.  They will all think you are anorexic.  They will make fun of you because you can eat whatever you want without gaining a pound.  Do not be chunky.  They will think you do not take care of yourself. No boy wants a chunky  girl.  That is just too gross.  The boy want a girl who is skinny... but not too skinny, big breasts, big butt, shiny white teeth, no acne and good clothing.  Make sure you fit all of their expectations or else you are not "good enough" for them. Boys, if you share your feelings... your dad will not look at you the same anymore.  Do not stand up for what you believe in.  They will just think you are a kid trying to start trouble.  The person you thought you would be with forever, dumps you because their ego is bursting. 
You are a great person.  You do well in school.  You play sports,.  You have a job.  You pray every night and have goals for yourself. So why is it not enough for him/her? You give him/her chances after chances.  Each time he/she leaves you more hurt than before.
You wonder to yourself...

 "Why am I not good enough?" 

"Why does he/she chase after other people when they have a great person, me... standing right in front of them.  Me, who loves unconditionally??"

"Should I change who I am to make he/she fall back in love with me??"

"Love does not just go away... How can he/she just walk away from me so easily without hesitation?"

Do not be friendly.  They will think you are fake.  Do not be quiet.  They will think you are rude.  Do not listen to songs that are from 'High School Musical'.  You must listen to rap music that encourages sex... music that calls girls nasty names... music that encourages the use of drugs... music that blares curse words...

Do not self-harm.  You are only asking for attention when you do that.  Instead, get piercings and tattoos because that turns pain into a beautiful thing.  Drink to forget the heartache for awhile.  No, do not drink.  You are trashy if you drink.

It is okay for your boyfriend to cheat on you.  Your boyfriend can text girls, sleep with girls, flirt with girls all they want.  But do not share with him how that makes you feel.  You will just be a "jealous bitch" for being hurt.  He ends up breaking up with you.  He talks to multiple girls and sleeps with them to try and make you more jealous.  It brings him satisfaction knowing that it made you jealous.

Tweet on Twitter like it is your dairy.  Tweet about the people you dislike on Twitter.  Post everything you hate about the world on Facebook.  The best part is, sit and do nothing about it after you complained on Facebook.  Fight about the flags on Facebook. Boys, post shirtless pictures on Instagram.  Girls, post pictures with your breasts showing on Instagram. Post on Facebook how you  blame Obama for you order at McDonald's being messed up.  It is all his fault.

Go to church where the preachers scold others for being gay/bi/lesbian. It is the worst sin if you do not marry someone of the opposite gender.  It is not bad if you commit adultery, have sex before marriage or divorce.

Do not tell others that you follow an religion.  You are a freak for that.  Do not tell others if you do not believe in any religion.  You will end up in Hell for that...

Be careful what you wear.  You may get raped.  Do not speak out about your rape.  You are only asking for attention when you do that.  You are just a liar.  You asked for it.  No one believes you... unless they have experienced rape themselves. 

Do not go to college.  Do you know how many loans you are going to have to pay off?  Go to college.  You will be more successful if you do. Work long days.  You will have money to provide for your family.  Do not work long days.  Go to your child's sporting events and eat dinner with your family.  You'll be a pushover though if you put your family before work.  Never divorce... even if your partner is abusive or cheating on you.  Only divorce your partner if you are too lazy to work through the hard times. 


Do you see how cruel we have all become?

We are so busy judging others that we forget to look in the mirrors.

Why do we spend so much time knocking others down when really... we should be building one another up.

We are our own worst enemies.  We do not need others to help bring us down.

We all make mistakes.  We learn from mistakes.  We all have had heartaches... whether it was because he/she rather chase others than be with someone who loves them unconditionally or broken up due to other circumstances.  We all have hopes and dreams.  We all have our own beliefs.  We all have some memories that will haunt us forever.  We all have a story that no one knows about.

We can decide to make changes... or sit and do nothing about our cruel society. You choose...

We blame society... but we are society.  Life is short.  Forgive the ones who have hurt you.  Take lots of pictures.  Never leave important words unsaid.  Remind the ones you care about that you love them.  Always stand up for what you believe in.  Eat that extra scoop of ice cream.  Never give up on the ones you love.  Appreciate what you have right in front of you. If you know someone who loves you unconditionally. never take them for granted... please.  Live life to the fullest.  Do what makes you happy.  Remember that love always wins.  You do not need a reason to help people.... just help that elder lady cross the street without hesitation.  Think with your mind and act with your heart.  Everything happens for a reason.  If something is meant to be, it will find its way.  When you feel like you are about to give up, call me.  I will always be here.  Be nice to others.  You do not know what battles they face everyday.  Find something positive in every daunting situation.  Do not believe everything someone says... they can be fooling you and you could end up in an abusive relationship.  Hear people out when they warn you about someone.  Do what truly makes you happy.  Do what is best for you. It is time that we all look deep into society and make changes that we wish to see. 

Just please promise me one thing...

To NEVER ever give up.